Saturday 30 June 2012

Architectural Engineering Salary

The Architectural Engineering Salary and Job Description

These days, the architectural engineering salary starts at $41,667, while the average salary is of $48,805 per year. Anyone who intends to become an architectural engineer must know that such a professional usually designs and builds the facilities for improving the standard of living. Moreover, they solve different requirements that relate to community planning, building systems, urban development and energy needs. The architectural engineering salary is almost the same for various niches, including solar heating, electrical and illumination systems, air conditioning and ventilating engineering, structural engineering, heating, construction engineering and so on.

the architectural engineering salary definitely very important

But besides the architectural engineering salary, which is definitely very important, a potential candidate to such a position must also know that this job usually implies the use of high-tech products. Therefore, in order to perform different tasks, the technologies the engineers use ensure a great convenience. These technologies mainly include computing design programs, analysis techniques, measurement and testing methods and many others. Moreover, it is essential to know that if you intend to get a truly high architectural engineering salary, you should choose any of the solar, urban and interior design niches, which are the best-paid positions of the architectural engineering field.

Although the architectural engineering salary is not so high for fresh graduates, this field has shown a great increase over the past years. And here we are not only talking about the number of graduates, which has increased from one year to another, but also about the number of job offers. Therefore, some recent studies show that the employment has grown with about 19% in the recent years. In most cases, these jobs are offered by firms that deal with electrical, structural and HVAC design. Additionally, some engineers might find positions as facility managers or even work in sales. However, it is important to know that the architectural engineering salary that relates to these jobs might be higher than the salary that comes along with other positions.

Furthermore, in order to get a truly high architectural engineering salary, you must try to find a position in one of the top-notch firms. Obviously, this thing is not so easy especially that the competition among the candidates for such a position presents a quite acerb level. But, the great thing is that these days, there are numerous firms that offer professionals the chance to occupy some truly good and interesting positions. These positions do not only provide a good architectural engineering salary but also a great reputation.

Architectural Tour Chicago

Architectural Tour Chicago by Train and Boat

I’m on the “L,” Chicago’s elevated train, rumbling past building after building, 20 feet off the ground, when a little voice in my left ear says, “Okay, just before we turn the corner, be on the lookout for the third shell medallion from the end, and tell me what you see.”

I’m on the lookout indeed, and as the train starts to hug the corner around the LeMoyne Building, I watch the lineup of ornaments on its exterior. And then I see it: The shell above one of the exterior pillars is upside-down. “Now you have to wonder,” the voice in my ear continues. “Did they not notice, or was it a joke for the train people? I’m going with a joke.”

The voice belongs to Lynn Hensel, a docent on this Chicago Architecture Foundation tour, who’s speaking to me through a little earpiece connected to her own microphone and transmitter. Of the 85 tours the foundation leads on foot, by boat and by Segway, this is one of the newest. And I’m taking it because I’m intrigued by the idea of getting a unique perspective on the city’s boisterous architecture from a vantage point offered by what less urban-minded folks might consider just a noisy eyesore. In the so-called City of Big Shoulders, this is like crawling around at knee height.

Hensel weaves her views on building motifs, materials and styles — from the classic Chicago school to neoclassical, modernist and postmodern — together with stories of the L’s development from a series of disparate lines into a unified system in the late 1890s. At the center of that effort was Charles Tyson Yerkes, who apparently strong-armed property owners into giving their permission for the crucial center loop to be built. His tactics involved bribes and the use of “vamps” who seduced and then blackmailed. “By hook or by crook, he got the job done,” Hensel said with a smile.

The tour focus, though, is on the buildings. And what buildings! Chicago’s forward-thinking architecture no doubt stems from the city’s near-destruction in the Great Fire of 1871, and Hensel shows us one stunning structure after another, sometimes closer than you could get any other way short of moving in. When we take a train past the Board of Insurance Building, she tells us that one corner of the building had to be shaved off to give the L room to get by.

Of course she talks about landmarks such as the Willis Tower, Boeing Headquarters, Marina City, the Merchandise Mart and more. But to my mind, the true charm of the tour is in the less well-known spots. Take the Hotel Allegro, originally the Hotel Bismarck, where from a Pink Line train she points out the figures above two windows: the Pied Piper to lure in travelers, and Saint Christopher to protect them. “I’ve walked down this street many, many times,” she says, “and I never saw those windows until I took this train.”

And then there are the outdoor platforms and bridges. As we stand around gawking at one or another of them, listening to Hensel, Chicagoans hurry past us, seemingly oblivious to views they surely take for granted.

Chicago Architecture

Chicago Architecture & Cityscape

Roloson Houses

The four rowhouses were built as investment property by Robert W. Roloson, a successful grain merchant. The architectural commission was among the earliest received by Frank Llyod Wright after leaving the firm of Adler & Sullivan, and the design shows many of his early influences.

These are the only rowhouses designed by Frank Llyod Wright, that were actually built. The facades display the steeply pitched gables and rectangular bands of windows characteristic of the English Tudor Revival style. Sullivanesque terra-cotta ornament embellishes the spandrel between the second and third floors. Shows the influence of Sullivan on Frank Llyod Wright.

Cottage Style House Plans

In spite of its cozy appeal, the Country Cottage Style House Plans delivers both space and design.

Though cottage style house plans may be synonymous with "cozy", today's best cottage designs maintain that feel without skimping on living space. Cottage house plans abound in telling details that make them live larger than their square footage.

Cottage Style House Plans Floor 

The cottage style house plans floor plan’s irregular footprint give it an abundance of visual surprise, both in the interior layout and through their unexpected views of the surrounding landscape, making these homes uniquely suited to picturesque lots. Stone, brick, and wood used in both exterior construction and interior detail create organic ambience. Typical cottage house plans offer a lived-in comfort that may be lacking in larger, less personalized homes.